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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Are You Idling?
Are You Idling?

Jun 11, 2009

Did you know? Stress-related fatigue is so common that it is estimated that at least 80% of us living in Western developed nations will suffer from it at some time in our lives! While conventional medicine still does not recognize adrenal fatigue as a legitimate health condition and therefore doesn’t diagnose or treat it, it is an extremely common health disorder
which can affect anyone experiencing severe or persistent stress. It is often the underlying key factor contributing to many chronic and acute health issues.

Healthy adrenal glands instantly increase heart rate and blood pressure, release stored energy, slow digestion and sharpen the senses when you perceive stress or danger. This is what is referred to as the “fight or flight” response and God programmed our bodies to function this way for our survival. Problems begin when the stress response is constant. Think about
your car. If it has gas in the tank and is properly serviced you can turn the key and it starts right up. You can then drive wherever you need to, park and turn the motor off until you need to drive again. However, if you went outside, turned the key, and then just left the car sitting in the driveway with the motor running, eventually, the gas tank would be empty and the car would stop running. Constant stress does the same thing to
your adrenal glands.

Unfortunately, in the midst of the economic and political crises occurring today, many of us are continuously experiencing all sorts of stress for extended periods of time. This causes the adrenal glands to continually pump out stress hormones, resulting in adrenal fatigue - the exhaustion stage of stress where the body fails to adapt to stress and we become tired, anxious and exhausted.

Common symptoms that may indicate low adrenal function include: fatigue, weight gain, particularly in the abdomen and waist; inability to lose weight even when dieting, cravings for carbohydrates, sugars or salt; waking too early in the morning, depression, anxiety, low blood pressure
and blood sugar; intolerance to cold; dizziness, especially when getting up from a seated position, inability to concentrate, memory problems, feeling “spaced out,” tender spots in muscles; hormonal imbalances, and generally just not feeling well.

The adrenal glands and blood sugar levels go hand in hand. Our body must maintain blood sugar levels within specific levels. When we are stressed, adrenaline causes stored glucose in the liver and muscles to be released,raising blood sugar levels. If the glucose is not used as fuel by cells, the body has to release insulin to reduce blood sugar levels again. This
can cause them to fall too low. Low blood sugar can then stress the adrenals again, forcing them to release adrenaline, which raises blood sugar levels back to normal. It becomes a vicious cycle!

While continual, unremitting stress is believed to be the primary cause of adrenal fatigue, Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, in her book, Mid-Life Meltdown,lists certain personality traits common to people prone to low adrenal function,including: perfectionism, Type “A” driven personalities, keeping late
hours, dependence on stimulants such as caffeine and sugar, and staying in no-win situations which cause frustration and stress.

If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, you can try this self test to see if your adrenal function is compromised:

Lie down and rest for five minutes. While still lying down, take your blood pressure. Now stand up and immediately take your blood pressure again. If your blood pressure is LOWER after standing up, it can indicate reduced adrenal function. Normally, the systolic, or top number is 10 points higher when standing than lying down. If there’s more than a 10-point difference in your readings, definitely discuss that with your

In next week’s email I will give you some practical suggestions for naturally rebuilding your adrenal function.

Registration for the free online Christian conference scheduled for Saturday, June 20th from 11 am to 8 pm is now open! Please visit http://conference.school-of-the-spirit.org today to register as spots are limited.

I also invite you to visit the polling booth and take the new survey –“What Do You Need to Change?” at
http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com/Take_The_Survey.html. I think you’ll find it thought-provoking!

As always, until next week, I wish you overflowing, abundant health, joy and peace and I call you blessed!
