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The Best Medicine

Jul 9, 2009

“TEACHER: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have?

JOHNNY: One dollar.

TEACHER (sadly): You don’t know your arithmetic.

JOHNNY (sadly): You don’t know my father.”
(I hope that little story at least made you chuckle.)

Did you know? Studies show we need 12 laughs a day to stay healthy. Your emotions have a tremendous impact on how your immune and nervous systems function. Grief, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions cause your immune system to produce proteins called cytokines, which contribute to inflammation in your body. Remember – inflammation is at the root of all disease.

While anxiety and grief raise cytokine levels, laughter, happiness, and self-esteem have all been shown to lower these inflammation-causing proteins. In fact, here are some other health benefits of laughter:

• A good laugh causes the movement of lymph fluid, clearing waste products from your organs and tissues.
• Laughter increases production of disease fighting antibodies and T-cells which boosts your immune system.
• A good laugh oxygenates your body, decreasing anxiety and stress hormones. Disease cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.
• Laughing is good aerobic exercise; it not only boosts blood circulation, it exercises your diaphram and stomach muscles as well. Some experts say one minute of laughter equals ten minutes on the rowing machine.
• Laughter produces a natural “high” by releasing serotonin and other mood and immune boosting chemicals.
Laughter even activates the right side of your brain, increasing creativity; it also improves decision-making.

Proverbs 17:22 tells us, "A happy heart is like a good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing." If you ever thought verses like this are just pretty words but not to be taken literally, think again. According to a study, subjects were observed as they watched both serious movies and comedies. During the comedies, their arteries dilated and their blood pressure dropped, suggesting that laughter can in fact be a powerful medicine.

In staying with the theme of stress we’ve been covering in the past few emails, laughter is a gift from God that is the best antidote for stress! Visit the Laughter Poll at http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com/Take_the_Survey.html for some ideas on how to laugh more. Also since the economy is producing so much stress, I would like to share the following:

So many people are struggling financially right now because of layoffs, downsizing and difficulty finding a job. Whether you are a college student just graduating and finding it difficult to find a job in your field or a stay-at-home mom looking to make extra money to help her family, I would like to share these two resources I use myself:

Purium Health Products carries the very highest quality supplements and nutritional products. I use them myself and with my coaching clients. They also offer an excellent home business opportunity. Simply visit http://phporder.com/11379 and click the “Membership” link to find out how you can sign on as a member, start a lucrative home business and help others get healthier – all at the same time. (By the way, George Costos, is my brother and his name is on our distributorship website!)

Scriptures is 100% Christian owned and operated company offering a home-based business opportunity. Visit http://scriptures.cc/151742 to go to my website and then click on the “Free Info Pack” button. Sign up is free and the opportunity is extremely reasonable. By the way, my favorite products are the acidophilus and green tea extract!

We are put on this earth to help each other and that is my purpose in sharing these sites.

Until next week I wish you abundant health, joy and peace and I call you blessed!