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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Things You May Not Know
Things You May Not Know

Aug 27, 2009

Did you know? Here are some facts that you may not be aware of:

Your body composition is 25% solid and 75% water.

Water is critical to life considering your muscles are 75% water; blood is 94%, lungs 90%, brain 85% and even bones are 25% water!

Water is only half the story. Water intake must be balanced with the proper salt intake. (Note this is not processed, white table salt, but unprocessed, natural sea salt.)

Your brain needs a constant supply of salt and water daily! Salt is required for every cell in your body to maintain proper balance of water inside and outside of each cell. This is sometimes referred to as electrolyte balance.

Your brain and spine are each encased in a sack of salt water and babies spend 9 months in one. Sodium chloride (salt) is critical to health. Too much sodium is bad for you but when you use natural sea salt with a full complement of minerals in balance, including sodium chloride, your stomach makes hydrochloric acid from the chloride to enable you to digest your food. Your pancreas uses the sodium to make bicarbonate which neutralizes HCL when it finishes its job. Water and salt are vital for nerve cell function; proper functioning of the digestive system; for hard, healthy bones; to be able to cool the body and prevent overheating.

Caffeine is a diuretic. It not only dehydrates you, it leaches vitamins, minerals and energy from your cells.

Amino acids from proteins are very important to your health beyond helping you burn fat and build muscle. Deficiency symptoms include aggression, anxiety, chronic allergies and fatigue, depression, headaches, mood swings, panic attacks, chronic pain and poor concentration.

Excellent sources of amino acids besides animal flesh are eggs, seeds, nuts and beans.

Without adequate amino acids your body is forced to borrow them from your liver to provide for your brain. When your liver is in need of amino acids they are taken from your muscles.

Fresh fruit (in moderation) is not bad for you as some would have you believe! Yes, it has natural sugar, but it also contains vitamins, minerals, particularly potassium, and fiber.

Dark green, leafy vegetables are nutritional powerhouses loaded with vitamins, carotenes, minerals (like calcium), antioxidants, fiber and protein. Most importantly, they are an excellent source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is “plant blood” and very similar in structure to our blood with one exception. The central part of our blood is iron and in chlorophyll it is magnesium. That mineral is critical to our good health. Chlorophyll is also a superior detoxifying agent.

Farmers carefully monitor the pH of the soil otherwise their crops will not grow. Your body cannot remain healthy if you do not keep the pH of your body balanced. Proper balance of water and salt is very a very important factor in balancing your pH.

Dr. Batmanghelidj did extensive research on water and salt and has had many books published on his findings. He found that most of us are dehydrated and not even aware of it and by drinking adequate water and balancing it with the correct amount of natural salt, many complaints, diseases and health problems can be resolved without drugs.

When you drink water before your meal, it goes into your stomach and triggers glands to release a hormone that coats the lining of your stomach and protects it from the hydrochloric acid to be released when you begin eating.

According to Dr. B: If you do not drink 1-2 glasses of water 15-30 minutes before a meal, your body will “borrow” the necessary water to prepare for digestion from another place. For instance, if it borrows from your blood, the blood becomes thicker and the heart must work harder to pump it.

He suggests drinking more water several hours after your meal to complete the digestive process.

How much water do you drink on an average day? Visit "How Thirsty Are You?" and share!

For Your Information
Balancing your pH is a critical health issue. Most people don't realize how dangerous an acidic body is. Visit "For Your Info" and click on “Balance Your pH for Perfect Health” to learn more.

I have found that returning to the basic principles of nutrition can make a dramatic difference in one’s health. That's why it is the core of my 3-D Living Program used in all my coaching packages.

We have so many choices. There’s a Starbuck’s on just about every corner and many buy a fancy coffee every single day! Not only is that expensive financially, but it is costing them their health. They may not even realize the “fix” is as simple as making the choice to replace coffee and other beverages with water! Once we return to the foundation of how God created our bodies to function we will begin to experience true health and wholeness!

As always I wish you overflowing, abundant health, joy and peace and I call you BLESSED!
