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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Oh, My! Candida!
Oh, My!  Candida!

Sep 3, 2009

Did you know? While my subject line is the first few words of an old Tony Orlando song, Candida is no laughing matter. Candida albicans is a common, fungal form of yeast that lives in a moist, warm environment. It’s believed that Candida is present in at least 90% of people. It grows most commonly on the mucus membranes of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts in our bodies. However, it can grow almost anywhere in your body and cause problems. For most people a small amount of these critters does not pose any problem. There are certain things that can trigger this yeast to multiply and overtake good bacteria and that causes problems. In a previous email I talked about the importance of probiotics to balance the intestinal flora (good bacteria). The goal is to have many more of the good guys than the bad in our systems.

This week let’s concentrate on what Candida is, the symptoms and what causes it. Candida is a yeast overgrowth that is reaching epidemic proportions and is associated with a wide range of illnesses and conditions.

Most women have experienced the discomfort of a “vaginal yeast infection.” A yeast overgrowth or infection is precisely what Candida is. It is the same yeast that causes thrush in infants. It can be responsible for a whole host of symptoms that can easily be misdiagnosed or overlooked. Here are some of the symptoms that Candida can produce:

General, unexplained fatigue, food cravings (particularly sugar cravings), cold hands and feet, joint pain, heartburn, feeling “spacey,” depression, poor memory, tingling, bloating, constipation, crying, anxiety, alcohol intolerance, chemical sensitivities, athlete’s foot, sensitivity to bright lights, blood sugar imbalances, increased allergy symptoms like hives, food allergies, hay fever and menstrual irregularities. Candida can also grow through the intestinal wall causing leaky gut syndrome to develop, which I discussed in a previous email. This, of course, allows undigested food particles to enter the blood stream and cause inflammation and allergic reaction.

Be aware that even though it is commonly known as a yeast infection and seems to be more common in women, men can have Candida as well. It does not discriminate! Yeast infections can occur anywhere in the body and affect the skin, mouth, digestive tract, esophagus and urinary tract.

So what causes Candida to develop? The primary cause of imbalances in gut flora (the bacteria that populates your digestive system) is antibiotic use. I mentioned previously that antibiotics kill bacteria – and they don’t discriminate – they kill the good and the bad, thus causing the imbalance. Other drugs can also lead to a Candida problem such as steroids and oral contraceptives.

Excessive consumption of alcohol, sugar and white, refined carbohydrate foods also trigger a spike in yeast growth. Yeast feeds on sugar – in any good homemade bread recipe, in order to activate the yeast, you “feed” it some sugar. And all white flour, processed foods like white bread, pasta, rice, etc. are very quickly converted to sugar when you eat them. Yeasts create alcohol from sugar! One study actually proved that patients with candida overgrowth became intoxicated after a high carb meal! This infection also affects people with weakened immune systems. Other causes include emotional and mental stress.

Nutrition-Boosting Strategies e-book
Knowledge is power. The Bible tells us God’s people perish for lack of knowledge and that is literally true in far too many instances. My mission is to educate, encourage and empower you to live a truly vibrant life of health and wholeness. In an effort to educate you I provide these free newsletters and I am also making my new, affordable e-book, “Nutrition-Boosting Strategies” available to you. Don’t allow misinformation to unnecessarily harm your precious health.

Purium Health Products
Because yeast overgrowth is a result of an imbalance in your gut flora, supplementing with a high quality probiotic is critical. Advanced Probiotic Blend from Purium Health Products is a high quality probiotic that also contains prebiotics all in one convenient and cost-effective formula.

I believe this type of yeast overgrowth has reached epidemic proportions because of the typical, refined carbohydrate and processed food diet and high stress lifestyle that is so common today. Good nutrition is vital and this is a great example of why.

Cleaning up your diet and eating a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet is the first step to improving your health. It is also the most critical change you can make. It is not that difficult and if you need help, I can assist you in evaluating your present diet and making changes that will improve your overall health.

Next week I’ll discuss simple things you can do if you think you have Candida.

Until next week, as always I wish you overflowing, abundant health, joy and peace and I call you BLESSED!
