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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Gluten - Friend or Foe?
Gluten - Friend or Foe?

Sep 17, 2009

Did you know? Celiac disease is one of the most common chronic health disorders in the western world. It is also one of the most under-diagnosed. Until recently, medical schools taught that celiac disease was relatively rare and only affected about 1 in 2,500 people. Recent studies and advances in diagnosis show that at least 3 million Americans, or about 1 in 133 people have celiac disease, but only 1-in-4,700 is ever diagnosed!

So what is celiac disease? It is an autoimmune disease that is caused by the genetic inability to digest gluten, which is the protein portion of many common grains – particularly wheat. This undigested protein then attacks the body’s immune system causing inflammation and damaging the small intestine. Damage to the small intestine results in the inability to absorb nutrients from your food, leading to malnutrition.

While celiac is considered a “digestive disorder” and the “classic” symptoms include weight loss, chronic diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain, here’s the kicker – there are often a wide variety of symptoms that seem to be unrelated to digestion. They can range from anemia, dementia, infertility, bone pain, weakness/fatigue, mouth sores, dehydration, back pain, tooth enamel defects, irritability or depression. Many people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease actually report no symptoms at all!

Because the symptoms vary so widely (depending on the severity and amount of damage to the intestine) and the disease itself can mimic other conditions, this disorder is frequently misdiagnosed. Studies have shown it takes anywhere from 5 to 10 YEARS from the first onset of symptoms to correctly diagnose celiac. This delay in properly diagnosing the disease results in extremely ill health and needless suffering for many.

It has recently been recommended that in diagnosing ANY chronic problem, celiac should be considered as a possible underlying cause. The reason for this is that the majority of people with celiac have no symptoms and the rest may experience a wide range of symptoms which seem unrelated. For example neurological conditions, such as migraines, may be the result of gluten sensitivity. The connection between celiac and osteoporosis is so common that it is recommended that all patients diagnosed with osteoporosis be screened for celiac as well.

Other studies show that the damage and inflammation in the intestines caused by celiac is the primary cause of most autoimmune diseases. Other diseases that are associated with celiac are: chronic fatigue syndrome, gall bladder disease, liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression, psychiatric problems, epilepsy, skin conditions, obesity, alcoholism, recurrent pancreatitis, lymphoma and arthritis. Nearly every one of these conditions show improvement with a gluten-free diet, which happens to be the treatment for celiac disease.

Healing Gourmet
God’s people perish for lack of knowledge! Nutrition is one area where lack of knowledge can be disastrous. Your Plate...Your Fate - a forever guidebook and one-of-a-kind health transformation system will show you how to optimize your nutrient levels using the right cooking techniques... protect your DNA from the damage that speeds aging and encourages cancer... balance your blood sugar and so much more! Nearly every disease that plagues modern man begins with what is on our plate. Most people are digging their own graves with a knife and fork. This is a resource no home should be without. Simply click the link on the website to order.

Purium Health Products
Advanced Probiotic Blend and Enzyme Advantage are two excellent products for digestion and overall health and THEY ARE GLUTEN-FREE! Another good product to soothe and heal your digestive tract, boost immune system and provide natural anti-inflammatory compounds is Purium’s 40X Aloe Vera Concentrate. It is extremely pure and so concentrated you need only a very small amount added to juice or water so it is very cost-effective as well. Visit the Products page to get started!

There is no “cure” for celiac but symptoms can be controlled by following a gluten-free diet. There are also supplements that can help the body recover from the damaging effects of the autoimmune reactions. Probiotics are helpful for gastrointestinal health by providing necessary good bacteria to digest food. Digestive enzymes allow for better absorption of nutrients while the gastrointestinal tract is recovering. You can find gluten free supplements and I strongly recommend you do. There are also gluten-free cosmetics and as odd as that may sound, that’s also something to consider if you are dealing with celiac. If you need help finding these products email me and I will suggest some. If a gluten-free diet is not followed, there is a greater risk for gastric cancer and lymphoma. Proper diagnosis and management is critical in addressing these risks as well as correcting the inability to absorb nutrients.

The connection between a healthy digestive system, proper nutrition and supplementation and overall health is clear!

**ANNOUNCEMENT: I wanted to let you know I will be doing a conference call for Scriptures members on September 18th (tomorrow!) from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm ET talking about NUTRITION. It is a free call and even if you are not a Scriptures member, you are invited to call in and participate. Simply call 1-218-936-1018; enter conference ID 275803 followed by the # key. I hope you can attend!

As always, I wish you abundant, overflowing health, peace and joy and I call you BLESSED!