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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Irritable....What?

Sep 24, 2009

Did you know? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a group of symptoms indicating a malfunction of the bowel. Unlike celiac disease discussed in last week’s email, this is not an autoimmune “disease.” It is a “syndrome” which means a group of symptoms, the most common of which are cramping, abdominal swelling, discomfort or pain, spastic contractions of the colon, bloating, gas, whitish mucus in the stool, diarrhea, and/or constipation.

This is a common condition and statistics show one in ten have symptoms of IBS. Where celiac affects the small intestine, IBS affects the large intestine, also called the colon. While IBS is painful, it doesn’t damage the colon or digestive system and it doesn’t lead to other health issues. Just so we are on the same page – the large intestine or colon is where the stool is stored. If you are experiencing these symptoms and have been diagnosed with IBS, there are simple, natural strategies you can use in place of drugs like the antispasmodics and antidepressants that are typically prescribed and carry their own side-effects.

Going on a gluten-free diet is the first and most basic step. While there are many gluten-free foods available today, gluten is “hidden” in many foods you might not suspect. If this is difficult for you, I can create a coaching plan for you, including lists of gluten free foods, ones to avoid, safe supplements and resources for more information.

Another issue to consider is whether you may be allergic or sensitive to other foods as this can also trigger IBS. The most common food allergens besides wheat and dairy are eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts like walnuts or cashews, fish and shellfish. The best way to determine if you are sensitive to one of these foods is to keep a food diary. This is one of the first things I have clients do. You can do this for yourself and if you would like a sample of the type of questionnaire I use, email me and I’ll be glad to send you one.

Along with food allergies/sensitivities, keep in mind that it is important to eat for your metabolic type. I discussed this in a prior email and explained the three basic metabolic types: Protein, Carb or Mixed. Your specific nutritional needs must be met based on your unique biochemistry. In these most recent emails we have seen how nutrition affects overall health in a very powerful way.

It goes without saying that eating nutrient-dense, fresh, high quality unprocessed food is the foundation of a healthy diet. That’s the backbone of the nutritional portion of the 3-D Living Plan. The more high sugar, processed food you eat, the greater the chance it contains gluten or another offending substance that can cause problems for you.

Purium Health Products
Besides Advanced Probiotic Blend and Enzyme Advantage (which are gluten free); I suggest you try Flax Advantage. These are the highest quality, whole Golden Flax Seeds. Sprinkling 30 grams (about 2 tablespoons) into your smoothie, cereal or salad will provide omega-3 fats, lignans that are cancer protective and fiber. Try Flax Advantage – one note: these are whole seeds; always grind them in a clean coffee grinder before consuming. If you eat them whole they will simply pass through your system! They will remain fresh longer in whole form however – so grind as you need them.

3-D Living Program
Every coaching package I offer is based on the 3-D Living Program. It’s really simple: the four keys I apply to spirit, soul and body are: detox/cleanse; nourish/fuel; intentional exertion/exercise and rest/reboot. Click the Coaching Packages link to learn more!

A Sincere Invitation
Stress, anxiety, sadness, emotional turmoil – we can all experience these. When you have a real, intimate relationship with God, it makes all the difference in the world. If you would like to make Jesus Lord of your life or to renew your commitment please visit the link, pray the prayer and email me. I would be happy to send you the free gift to help you grow in your faith and I would consider it a privilege to add you to my prayer list and to pray for you regularly.

Besides adding a quality probiotic and enzyme supplement to your regimen (I’ve talked about Advanced Probiotic Blend and Enzyme Advantage from Purium before), fiber is very helpful in controlling IBS symptoms. Fiber is important for many reasons and whole flax seeds not only provide necessary fiber but quality plant based omega-3 fats as well.

Finally, many people with IBS are found to have unresolved emotional issues and stress which is why antidepressants are often prescribed for this condition. I would suggest prayer, meditation and other stress management and relaxation techniques outlined in the 3-D Living Plan. If you need prayer be sure to visit the link above.

Until next week, as always, I wish you overflowing, abundant health, joy and peace and I call you BLESSED!
