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Weekly Newsletter Archive > A Happy Brain is a Healthy Brain
A Happy Brain is a Healthy Brain

Nov 12, 2009

Did you know? Happiness – cultivating a consistently positive mood – plays a critical role in brain health and vitality. Depression has actually been shown to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. God clearly tells us in Proverbs 17:22 that a merry heart does good like medicine! And without the nasty side-effects, I might add.

You may think you are just pessimistic by nature and there’s nothing you can do about it, but you would be wrong. You can improve your attitude (and thereby improve your health), actually train (or re-train) your brain to stay positive and boost brain health and vitality, which will produce myriad health benefits.

Your brain is the control center for your body as God in heaven controls the universe. Your life and health are a reflection of your thoughts. Your thoughts powerfully affect your emotions and mood. The condition of your life begins with the thoughts you choose to think. Only you have control over what enters your mind. You may be familiar with the expression: garbage in, garbage out. For instance, whatever material you use to program a computer determines the quality of output. In the same way, if you continually fill your mind with “garbage” from the media, your quality of life will reflect that.

In the Old Testament doorkeepers were stationed at the temple and city gates. Any unclean person was barred from entering and defiling the entire camp. If you’re wondering what that has to do with your brain – you have “gates” that allow information to enter your spirit, soul and body that need to be guarded as well. You have eye-gates, ear-gates, a mouth-gate, a nose-gate, and skin-gate. Your five senses allow you to process this physical world. However, I believe we sometimes become sloppy in what we allow to enter our gates, particularly our eye and ear-gates.

What you continually look at and listen to will profoundly affect your thoughts and mood. You have a choice here. You can use that time in one of two ways: filling it with fear, anger and negativity by watching every news broadcast and reading newspapers and gossip magazines; OR you can guard your gates and fill your mind with truth from scripture. Every opportunity you take to read good books, watch and listen to positive educational and motivational material, will result in your life taking on a whole new meaning. The added plus is that it also boosts the health and vitality of your brain – and who doesn’t want that?

So, what can you do to cultivate a positive mood and improve the health of your brain as well? I’m glad you asked! Let me share a few suggestions:

The First Step
If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord or recommit your life to Him, please visit http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com/A_Sincere_Invitation.htmlBe sure to send me an email and let me know you have taken this step. I would be honored to regularly pray for you and I would love to send you a gift to encourage you in your faith.

Ionic Elements from Purium Health Products
Ionic Elements gives you the highest possible concentration of pure, natural ocean trace minerals activated with Fulvic acid. This mineral-rich dietary supplement was specially formulated to help support and maintain a healthy immune system, increased circulation, increase the body's alkalinity (pH levels) and oxygen levels, neutralize residual harmful acids and help accelerate the breakdown and elimination of heavy metals, toxins and drug residues from the body. This is a great product to provide nutritional building blocks for a healthy brain and body.

If you struggle with pessimism and your moods tend toward the negative more than you’d like, here are a few suggestions for you:

When you notice your attitude going south, so-to-speak, get yourself up and moving! Physical activity is wonderful for releasing stress and negativity and releases feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins. You don’t necessarily have to exercise per se – just go for a short walk, play with your pet or children/grandchildren, get up and stretch! Move your body, get blood and oxygen circulating. Just breaking the cycle you find yourself in by changing the activity can be enough to get your thoughts on a more positive track.

Of course, exercise is an excellent way to stay healthy physically and mentally. Simply walking on a treadmill or outside is great, especially if you listen to teaching tapes or praise and worship music. Another form of exercise that has been found to boost brain function is yoga. When practicing something such as yoga you must concentrate on the movements of your body, your breathing and your thoughts. It can improve brain focus and functioning, as well as relieve stress. There are some excellent Christian yoga tapes available so that you can build up your spirit at the same time. Exercise your brain as well by learning something new – a language, skill – whatever strikes your fancy!

“Mutter” is one of the definitions for meditate! We talked about the benefits of Christian meditation in a previous newsletter but it’s worth repeating. Meditation clears the clutter from your mind thus reducing stress. In fact, researchers at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, found regular meditation slowed the normal age-related decline of brain cells. Also, speaking positive confessions over yourself and your family daily is a great habit to cultivate.

The more oxygen-rich blood circulating in your body, the healthier and more alert your brain will be. We discussed the importance of breathing deeply recently – it is critical for brain health.

Studies have shown that spirituality improves mental outlook. Researchers found people with chronic diseases who either attend religious services or simply pray have a greater degree of optimism about their overall health. Participating in worship provides a sense of belonging and connection with others who share your beliefs. This has been found to heighten mental alertness. Focusing on God and His faithfulness, power, mercy, love and grace is THE best way to improve your mood! (Worship and praise is spiritual exercise!)

We all have dreams and specific things that just fill us with passion and joy. Find a way to incorporate and express them as often as possible. Whether it is painting, writing, singing, dancing, organizing, teaching, reading, playing a sport – it doesn’t matter! Only you know what makes your heart sing. I encourage you to intentionally include that in your daily life. There is no drug known to man more powerful for keeping your mind sharp and your attitude hopeful and positive. Living your purpose is the best way to face each day with energy, excitement and passion.

Every day God graciously blesses you with the opportunity to create your life anew. How and what you choose to think makes all the difference in the quality of your life. If you have always been a bit of a pessimist – remember, you are a new creature now (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Your past does NOT have to determine your future! Simply make the decision to choose not to live in the past but to think and live as the new creation you are.

While there are many facets to living a truly healthy life, what you think will far outweigh almost anything else! Determine today to keep your brain healthy by consciously keeping your thoughts positive and God-centered. You’ll find yourself living a joyful life of passion and true, vibrant health and wholeness.

As always, until next week, I wish you abundant, overflowing health, peace and joy and I call you BLESSED (empowered by God to prosper and succeed!)
