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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Move in your Moment!
Move in your Moment!

Dec 31, 2009

Did You Know? 95% of all New Year's resolutions are either forgotten or broken by the third Monday in January? That’s a pretty discouraging statistic.

Like you, I've seen all the suggestions to set goals instead of “making resolutions” - make them specific - measurable - give them a time frame. Honestly, I don’t think it matters what you call them. While setting goals is definitely important and something I do, let’s consider something else. As 2010 begins, I suggest we simply build momentum. Apply it to your health, finances, spiritual growth, relationships and career.

I think, with both resolutions and goals, we get excited and set these huge, extravagant ones. You know - lose 50 lbs by March, start a new business, begin making an extra $5,000 a month, find my soul mate. I definitely believe we should "think big" and set goals that stretch us beyond our comfort zone. The problem is we forget that no one takes one big step and reaches their goal. The road to fulfilling any goal - whether it's improving health, finances or relationships - is paved with a series of well-thought-out, concrete, smaller steps. In my 3-D Living Programs I call this taking baby steps.

None of us begins teaching our child to walk and gets impatient and disgusted if they take one or two teetering little steps and then falls. No, we celebrate and cheer them on and when they take three wobbly steps the next time - we are thrilled that they made progress! Isn’t that the heart of the matter – making progress?

The Bible tells us in Zechariah 4:10 we are "not to despise the day of small beginnings." That's really good advice. In order to achieve any goal or fulfill any resolution, we have to schedule a series of baby steps, celebrating each success, no matter how small. This creates momentum. “Momentum” is a physics term meaning the tendency of a moving object to keep moving. I heard one teacher describe momentum as "moving in your moment." I like that!

We all have the same amount of time each day: 1,440 minutes at our disposal. Each one of those minutes is yours to move in. You can move forward, backward or stand still. The choice is yours. To my way of thinking, even moving a half-step forward toward the fulfillment of your goals is preferable to either of the other two alternatives!

So, instead of punishing yourself for not making MORE progress - congratulate yourself on the forward movement you have made in your particular moment. Don't despise them if they are small. Instead of focusing so much on the size, focus on the direction.

NEW 7-Week Weight Loss Program
Watch for my brand new "Today’s The Day 7-Week Fitness Program" coming soon!

If you are serious about changing your habits and losing that excess weight (spiritually, emotionally and physically!) once and for all, and creating a stronger, healthier body, this is a great way to do it. When you visit the link above you will learn all the details about this brand new program. And for a limited time, you can sign up for half price! If you are serious, I encourage you to visit today and make the commitment that 2010 will be your fittest, healthiest and best year ever. But don’t wait too long – the half-price sale ends on January 31st.

As we begin this brand new year, I encourage you to take some time this very first week of 2010 and create momentum in achieving your health goals by sharing them with someone you trust. Make a commitment to give them periodic updates on your progress. Have one action you can take each day to “move in your moment.” It doesn’t have to be BIG – walk an extra 100 steps; drink an extra glass of water; replace one junk food with one real food; eat breakfast; begin taking your supplements consistently. Just create momentum and it will effortlessly carry you forward! Don’t wait another moment – move in this one right now!

I wish each and every one of you a most blessed, joyous, healthy and prosperous New Year and I call you BLESSED (empowered to prosper and succeed!
