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Make 2010 a Provacative Year

Jan 7, 2010

Now that we have come through the first week of this New Year I wanted to share my focus for 2010 with you. The Lord brought Hebrews 10:24 to me:

“And let us consider one another to PROVOKE unto love and good works.”
That is the King James Version and the word “provoke” jumped out at me. I looked it up in the dictionary and it said that to provoke someone is “to challenge or stimulate or stir up to action or feeling; to arouse, instigate; to excite to anger or passion; irritate.” Some synonyms for provoke are stimulate, prod, encourage, incite, challenge, stir up, arouse, excite, spur on, inspire.

That’s exactly what I set as my goal for the newsletters in 2010 as well as every information product I will produce and every coaching program I offer. I want everything I do to stir you up and challenge you to take action to make this your healthiest year ever – spirit, soul and body!

In order for this year to be different and better – you must DO something different and better. It’s really that simple. If you want to lose 50 lbs. this year, but you eat as you always have; don’t begin an exercise program; and continue to think the same thoughts and speak the same words – I can guarantee you will NOT lose 50 lbs. In fact, you may gain 20 instead! We’ve all heard that saying: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity.

To “be” better we have to make a commitment to “do” better. To live healthier lives, we have to make a commitment to replace habits that no longer serve us with positive, life-giving habits. Not one of us has it all together – you don’t and I surely don’t. But we can learn from each other and as long as we are committed to making a change, this process we call “living” can get better ad better. So what’s the first step? Glad you asked.

NEW! "Today's The Day" 7-Week Fitness Plan
Are you serious about getting healthier, losing weight and getting fit, by the end of March? You could be wearing clothes that are several sizes smaller, looking and feeling wonderful and well on your way to a much healthier 2010! Can you commit to 7 weeks? That’s only 49 days – you could be celebrating your health jubilee before the first daffodils poke through the soil! Visit http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com/3_D_Weight_Loss_Plan.htmland find out more. Until January 31st you can sign up for half price. Are you worth it? I think so. The question is, do you?

The very first step is to CREATE YOUR TARGET: decide what it is you want to accomplish in this New Year. Do you want to lose weight? Get fit? Manage or reverse a health problem naturally? Begin eating more healthfully? Have a more intimate relationship with God? Be more consistent in prayer and Bible study? Spend more time with your children? Improve your marriage? Whatever your goals are – be specific and realistic and then make a quality decision that you will do whatever is necessary to make the changes necessary to come up higher. (Remember we are to create momentum and move in our moments!)

Now you know exactly what you are aiming at – you’ve created the target. The next step is to choose the most effective weapon. Do you need information, accountability, motivation, encouragement, products? What do you need in order to make progress?

The third step is to actually begin shooting at your target. Step out. As Nike says: “Just do it!” Here’s the key – how to know if you are truly serious about achieving your goal: Are you willing to do whatever it takes – whether it is spending time, effort, comfort or money? If you are – and you actually take that step – call and schedule a class, hire a coach, buy a book, clean out your kitchen, join a gym – you WILL succeed! One small step will lead to the next and the next and before you know it, it will be December, 2010 and you will be celebrating reaching your goals!

So, Hebrews 10:24, paraphrased from the Amplified Bible is my verse for the year and my promise to my subscribers and clients:

I make the commitment to consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over my subscribers and clients, studying how I may stimulate, incite and stir them up to love, helpful deeds and noble activities that will lead them to vibrant lives of true health and wholeness.

Until next week, I wish you abundant, overflowing health, peace and joy and I call you BLESSED (empowered to prosper and succeed!) Ann