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Weekly Newsletter Archive > 10 Simple Strategies for Your Best Year - Ever
10 Simple Strategies for Your Best Year - Ever

Jan 14, 2010

Did You Know? Improving the quality of your health doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Simple is always best. Jesus never made anything complicated. Now there is certainly a difference between “easy” and “simple.” Something may be simple but it might not necessarily be easy to do. For me, breaking things down to their basic components simplifies them and I believe the following strategies will help you make 2010 your healthiest year – ever! You can work these into your life any way that works for you – include one a week or one each month in your life until you’ve worked them all in. There’s no set time here – there’s only ONE thing you must do – start!

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It has been said that the only things that will make a lasting difference for the better in your life are the people you meet and the books you read! I invite you to look at the books I am offering (I will be adding some new ones so visit often) and take a giant step toward improving yourself and your life - read!

So, here are some simple 3-D living strategies:

1. Make God first priority: live out Matthew 6:33 which commands us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God. I suggest in your prayer time each morning that you intentionally set your purpose for the day and not just tasks you must complete. Set your spiritual purpose for the day as well (be patient with my boss or show kindness to my children). And may I suggest including “enjoying Jesus” as a daily priority?

2. Be a new wineskin: be teachable, open to learning new ways to do things. If you remain set in your ways and are not willing to learn, nothing will ever change. In the Bible we learn that fresh, new wine could only be put into new, supple wineskins. If it was put in stiff, hardened, old wineskins they would burst and the wine would be wasted.

3. Enlarge Your Borders: some people call this thinking outside the box. I use this expression from Isaiah 54:2 and what I mean is to be willing to look at everything from God’s perspective. This relates to your thinking and that is where it ALL begins.

4. Muzzle your mouth: I have spoken in previous newsletters about the power in our words. What you say to and about yourself can mean the difference between health and sickness. Remember your speech center controls every nerve in your body. Make Psalm 141:3 your prayer each day: “Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.”

5. Be a doer: Faith without works - action, deeds - is dead. (James 2:26) The best intentions in the world alone will produce no results. Intending to be patient or gentle or to exercise or eat right is lifeless until you give it “feet” so to speak. You want vibrant, living faith and health and the only way to have that is to add effort to your intention.

6. Sow good seed – daily: Seed is so much more than money. Here’s a partial list of some possible seed: thoughts, words, kindness, patience, ideas, encouragement, enthusiasm, a smile, forgiveness, mercy, grace, joy, honesty, respect, love, peace, honesty, obedience, sincerity, truth, generosity, excellence, faithfulness, loyalty, gratitude, discipline, integrity, prayer, gifts, talents, consistency, praise, worship. Remember, whatever seed you sow, that’s what you reap! Sow intentionally – if you need peace, sow peace. If you need mercy, sow mercy.

7. Release: This is practicing forgiveness pure and simple. The fastest way to change your life and your physical health for the better is by forgiving anyone who has offended or hurt you – including yourself.

8. Cultivate the attitude of gratitude: Here again, this shift in attitude will not only impact your relationships but your physical health as well. Gratitude activates your parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for nourishing, replenishing and rebuilding your body.

9. Be contagious: Kindness is contagious. One kind act done for no other reason than to bless someone will lead to gratitude. The grateful person is then more likely to be kind to someone else and the chain reaction continues.

10. Don’t worry – be joyful: Nehemiah 8:10 says the joy of the Lord is our strength. Joy is powerful – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Just to be clear, joy is different than mere happiness. Being happy comes from circumstances. If you live in the love of God, your joy will be full (Jn. 15:11). Smile. It will change your mood. Laugh as often as you can – it’s great medicine. Tap into the joy you have in your spirit and allow it to bubble out and spill onto everyone you meet.

BONUS: Here’s your bonus 3-D Life strategy: Whatever you do, do it with all your heart! (Col. 3:23) If you are going to do something – believe in what you are doing. If you go to the doctor, do it in faith. If you take medicine, do it in faith. If you start a new job/diet/exercise plan/relationship – do it in faith!

Until next week I wish you abundant, overflowing health, peace and joy and I call you BLESSED (empowered to prosper and succeed!) Ann