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Weekly Newsletter Archive > Tired of the 'Same Old, Same Old?'
Tired of the 'Same Old, Same Old?'

Jan 21, 2010

Did you know? “Eating cheeseburgers, fries and sugary snacks all the time makes people gain weight? I can almost hear your response: well, duh – that’s pretty obvious! Those foods cause you to gain weight but not for the reason you may think. Yes they are high (empty) calorie foods but research by Washington University found that eating a high fat, high sugar diet changes the balance of bacteria in your gut and basically “programs” people’s digestive systems to make them fat!

Did you realize that 2 out of 3 adults in this country are overweight or obese? In case you were wondering, “obese” refers to people who are roughly 30 or more pounds overweight. That’s a startling statistic, especially in light of the fact that unless this trend is reversed, 43% of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2018. This will cost our country $344 billion to address this health epidemic.

I share this because I want you to be very clear about the fact that your food choices and the habits you create are critical to your overall health. The responsibility for your health rests solely with you. You have taken a giant step towards true, vibrant health and wholeness – so let’s get to the nitty-gritty.

The temple in the Old Testament had specific gates and 2 Chronicles 23:19 tells us doorkeepers were stationed at the gates so no one unclean could enter! Once you cleanse your temple, you do not want to allow anything impure to enter. In Numbers 5:1-3 Moses was to send anyone who was unclean in any way outside the camp and so must we guard our gates (heart, eyes, ears, nose, skin, mouth) and be very mindful and careful about what we allow to enter our temples. They either provide true nourishment or they are “empty” calories.

The concept here is similar to programming your computer – garbage in/garbage out; we can say – life in/life out or death in/death out. We decide! Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us to choose life! While it seems obvious – how many of us do just the opposite?”

The above is an excerpt from my new “Today’s the Day 7-Week Fitness Plan,” just a taste, if you will, of what it includes. I know there are hundreds of diet books and “systems” out there. But the difference here is that this is how I eat every day of my life. I originally formulated this plan for myself. I'm not telling you to do something I don't already do.

And, if you've been a subscriber for very long, you "know" me - I consider my subscribers part of the Three Dimensional Vitality family. When you sign up for the coaching program, I will be available to you for daily, personal coaching through the 7 weeks. If you purchase the e-book to do on your own instead, you still have access to me via email for any questions along the way. I won’t leave you on your own to flounder! I not only want you to succeed, I am committed to your success.

Today’s the Day Immediate Download E-book
If you want all the information at your fingertips, immediately, just click the link below, follow the directions and I will email it to you. You get all the information plus bonus info for each week. And, you can email me with any questions.

Today’s the Day Coaching Program
You know yourself best – do you need that daily, personal support and accountability? If so, this is the option for you. I will be in touch daily and you have unlimited access to me via email for all the help, encouragement and support you need.

Today’s the Day Plan Details
If you like to know exactly what you are getting before you make a commitment, click the link above to see what this comprehensive plan includes.

So, why wait another day when you have a comprehensive, effective, proven plan, in two convenient formats, to choose from? Today truly is THE day – the only day you really have. Tomorrow never comes – it always ends up being today – so don’t wait any longer. Make 2010 your best year in every way – spiritually, emotionally and physically. It is so much easier than you think. You have nothing to lose EXCEPT excess weight (physical, spiritual and emotional) and EVERYTHING to gain: a cleansed, fit body, mind and spirit; more energy, enthusiasm and vitality; as well as improved overall health. The only questions that remain are:

Do you sincerely desire to change; and
Do you really think you are worth it?

Only you hold the answers to those questions.

Until next week, as always, I wish you overflowing, abundant health, joy and peace, and I call you BLESSED (empowered to prosper and succeed!)
