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Happy Easter

Apr 1, 2010

My Valued Subscriber
Did you know? With health-care reform such a hot topic in our country today, sickness, healing and health are among the most heatedly debated subjects. As Christians, we have a comprehensive covenant that includes divine healing and health and it all begins at the cross, with the sacrifice Jesus willingly made for us that we commemorate during the Easter season.

Isaiah 53:5 in the Amplified states, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain peace and well-being for us was upon him, and with the stripes {that wounded} Him we are healed and made whole."

I wanted to share something that may put this part of His sacrifice in a slightly different light. We are told that He received 39 lashes.

In the book, “Bodily Healing and the Atonement” (pp.26, 27) it explains: “The Jews had a law that no person should be given more than 40 stripes when flogged, but the Romans had no such law, so they often scourged their victim until he bled to death.” Therefore, they (the Jews) limited the flogging to 39 lashes.

Numbers in the Bible have great meaning. I’ve read in various places that there are 39 major categories of illnesses known to mankind. Each stripe Jesus took was for each category of illness that exists. What a beautiful picture of His care and concern for every detail of our lives.

There’s a passage in “Christ the Healer” by F. F. Bosworth that says: “Jesus went to the cross, spirit, soul and body, to redeem man, spirit, soul and body…Every form of sickness and disease known to man was included and many of them even mentioned particularly in the “curse of the law,” (Deut. 28:15-62 and other scriptures)…”

“In other words, He redeemed us from the following diseases, specified in Deuteronomy, consumption (tuberculosis), fever, inflammation, the botch of Egypt, emerods, scab, itch, madness (insanity), blindness, plagues, all the diseases of Egypt, also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law.”

“This would include cancer, influenza, mumps, measles and every other modern disease. If Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13), and sickness is included in the curse, surely He redeemed us from sickness.”

Father Really Does Know Best Devotional
Father Really Does Know Best is a unique 30-day devotional that examines how recent scientific and health research confirm the truth of the Bible. Journey with Ann through scripture and see how relevant God's Word is to your life and health. Your faith will increase daily in God's goodness and power.

In the lovely book “Living and Praying in Jesus’ Name,” the authors explain that the expression “the Lord who heals” from Exodus 15:26 is derived from the Hebrew (Jehovah-Rapha) which literally means “the Lord Healer.”

That same word in Jeremiah 8:22 is translated “physician.” They go on to say that this expression implies all that a physician might do, including treating an illness from beginning to end, as well as instructing in health maintenance and prevention of disease. (Something many doctors today do NOT do!)

Healing as the Lord provides, not only refers to recovery but also to prevention and maintenance! This blesses me, increases my faith for divine health and healing and makes me love Him even more.

What an awesome thing to meditate on this Easter season. Take time to really think about just what He purchased for us at the cross and worship Him with all your heart.

Next week, as we approach "swim suit season," I will begin a series on losing weight and getting in shape!

Until next week, as always, I wish you abundant, overflowing health, peace and joy and I pray that you and your family have a most blessed Easter; that His resurrection life is activated within your hearts and lives today: every dream, every promise that is lying dormant, is resurrected to radiant life for you.

And that includes vibrant wholeness and health.
